A step-by-step walkthrough of Chapter 2: Verdant Cavern in Pokémon Sword and Shield. This guide will help you beat the second chapter of the game and continue your adventure.

Part 2: Verdant Cavern

In Verdant Cavern, Chapter 2 of the game, players will explore a labyrinth of tunnels in pursuit of a collection of powerful treasures. A variety of formidable beasts, secret dungeons, and riddles protect these treasures. In order to proceed, players must discover the correct paths, solve puzzles, combat wild animals, and kill monsters.

This Verdant Cavern walkthrough will show you how to accomplish this portion of the game step by step. It also describes the hidden objects and incentives that may be collected throughout this chapter. Using this tutorial as a guide, players will be able to travel Verdant Cavern and gather all of the artifacts required to complete Chapter 2 of the game.

Hau’oli City

In Pokémon Sun and Moon, Hau’oli City can be located on Melemele Island. It is a huge city near to the coastline with a great view of the sea from its numerous towering buildings. Team Skull, a criminal organization of Pokémon Trainers, also has its headquarters in Hau’oli City.

Verdant Cavern, one of Hau’oli City’s biggest attractions, is a place where strong wild Pokémon may be discovered hidden amid the trees and dense grass. This is one of the first regions available to new trainers in Pokémon Sun and Moon, therefore it should be extensively explored before going on to other areas. Defeating formidable wild Pokémon in Verdant Cavern will provide new trainers a huge edge when facing adversaries later in the game. Furthermore, successful exploration of Verdant Cavern may lead to the acquisition of precious treasures like as Max Potions and Revives, which can be used in future encounters.

Route 2

Route 2 is the Alola region’s second route, situated north of Hau’oli City. Players must trek through a dense grass region after arriving at Route 2 to reach the entrance to Verdant Cavern. This dungeon is particularly significant since it is home to many Totem Pokémon, including Chandelure.

Once inside, players will come across various wild Pokémon as well as things like fossils and revives in properly designated areas. They will finally reach a central room with a set of stairs going down to the last floor where Chandelure may be located after traveling through numerous levels. Defeating or capturing this Totem Pokémon is critical for moving farther in Chapter 2 since it grants players with TM65 and TM78, two vital techniques required to fight Necrozma in the next chapter.

Big Wave Beach

Cyllage Gym – Leader Grant’s second chapter is Big Wave Beach. Players are sent to Big Wave Beach after defeating Rouxls Kaard in the first episode. Players may explore the beach region, which is teeming with trainers and wild Pokémon, as well as get access to Big Wave Beach itself. The primary goal here is to win 10 bouts in a row against trainers scattered over the beach before taking on Leader Grant at Big Wave Beach.

In addition, in the PokéMart and Rotomi Shop situated throughout the beach, players may purchase different products from merchants and discover Hidden Items that can be turned in for prizes. After completing all ten bouts, players may challenge Grant to a beach combat, which will prepare them for Chapter 3 of Cyllage Gym – Leader Grant.

Trial of Ilima

The Trial of Ilima is the second trial in the Pokémon X Version. It is commanded by Ilima, the captain of the Hala police force, and is situated in Verdant Cavern. You must utilize your selected Pokémon to beat three wild Pokémon of Ilima’s choice in this challenge.

As each fight develops, the aim is to teach your selected Pokemon new moves or improve current ones. Ilima will award you a Z-Crystal or a TM after each fight, depending on how well you fared in each trial. You cannot finish the trial until you have won all three fights, so make sure your crew is properly prepared ahead of time. Best wishes.

Totem Gumshoos – Totem Raticate

Totem Pokémon are battle-enhanced versions of wild Pokémon that only appear in Gym Leader Korrina’s gym, the Shalour Gym. Gumshoos and Raticate, two Totem Pokémon, will appear in Chapter 2: Verdant Cavern.

The Totem Gumshoos is a grey-furred bipedal monster with three red eyes and a large nose. It walks on its hind legs and has huge ears that droop to the sides of its body. When irritated or disturbed, its fuzzy tail is topped with a rattle-like characteristic that is utilized to send warning messages. As a Totem Gumshoos, it has access to improved Strength and Vital Spirit Abilities, which may be used to gain an edge over an opponent during combat.

The Totem Raticate is an 8-foot-tall North American rodent Pokémon species distinguished by its massive mouth, which has sharp teeth. It has two sets of whiskers protruding from its cheeks that are incredibly sensitive to sound and touch, allowing this Pokémon to strike its target with precise precision. As a Totem Raticate, it gets access to increased Quick Attack and Guts Abilities, which may be used to gain an edge over an opponent during combat.

Chapter 2: Verdant Cavern - Pokemon Ultra Sun Ultra Moon Walkthrough

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