ID badges are a part of everyday life, from allowing entry to residential buildings to providing segmented accessibility to office spaces. The technology helps in identifying and controlling entry while displaying an organisation’s brand.

In essence, ID cards give advanced levels of safety and professionalism for any business.

The ID card itself is hugely important, but the ID card accessories are often underrated in terms of how they can enhance functionality and professionalism.

This article will explore how ID badge accessories like lanyards, badge reels, and holders can enhance a business’ safety and improve its professional image.

Visibility and Identification

For greater visibility, choose accessories for ID cards like lanyards, badge reels, and ID badge holders. These allow people to quickly identify employees.

The use of bright colors in lanyards or badge holders increases their visibility at a distance and consequently makes them easily noticeable, especially when security personnel is present, but also on CCTV systems.

Brand Awareness

Businesses can customise lanyards with their company logo and colours, as well as print extra written identifiers. This increases brand awareness, promoting a positive, professional image for not only the interal team, but also any outside visitors (or the general pubic) who see the ID cards.

The value of promoting professional branding shouldn’t be ignored. Every impression counts, especially for a potential partner to enter a business space for a meeting to potentially make some important project partnerships.


Little touches of professional branding can enhance the perception of people who are there to assess potential business relationships.

Improve Durability and Longevity

Well-designed accessories for ID badges can help protect the ID cards from potential harm that comes with everyday usage.

For instance, there are various options of badge holders available in the market that are hard and water resistant with the ability to withstand scrapes, sun damage, and other signs of wear and tear. This removes the need to reprint ID cards too regularly, which can ramp up costs with going through print materials too quick. Durability equal longevity.

Increase Security Features

Businesses can increase security by using additional ID card accessories like tamper-proof seals, holographic covers, or RFID blocking.

Even having these security features displayed on the ID card itself can prevent people from sharing illegal copies or making clones of badges, as they are aware that there are some security enhancements made to the badge. Simple awareness can be a solid prevention tactic.

Ensure Compliance

In some organizations, like government offices or healthcare clinics, there can often be strict requirements on how to wear, display, and use ID badges.

With the help of ID badge accessories, companies meet security requirements by using unified and secure ways to show badges. This allows workers and guests to be identified easily without having to check for compliance with staff on a daily basis.

For example, some organizations only require ID cards to be used for the purpose of opening doors and don’t require displaying the card during a standard workday. However, other companies may have the regulation to always show the ID card on the front of the body throughout the entire workday.


A lanyard accessory is a sure way to get everyone on board with compliance, as it’s a uniform way to display it without having to check every individual. This makes it easy for employees to stay aligned with compliance without having to think too much about it.

Improve Ergonomics and Comfort

A well-designed ID badge accessory is one that takes both function and user ease into consideration. By using a badge reel or lanyard ergonomically, optimal comfort can be achieved.

Adjustable badge holders can fit different body sizes as well as different clothing styles, making them flexible for any environment and individual within the company.

Sum Up: ID Cards Accessories Offer Many Benefits

Although the ID accessories mentioned above might seem a small thing to consider, investing in good ID badge accessories will certainly be worth it to ensure more security, as well as professionalism. ID tags are not just a mere plastic. They give businesses a face as a safe and professional entity and provide essential layers of security.


Adam is a tech blogger and web developer from the UK. He's been writing about technology for five years and has experience with a wide range of devices and platforms. Adam is also a qualified web developer, so he's able to offer insights on both the technical and creative aspects of website design and development.