This game is an Olympic sport and is common in many countries. It may not be as famous as football or basketball, but volleyball championships also attract packed houses.

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Who Invented Volleyball

The inventor of this sport, W. J. Morgan studied at Springfield College (Massachusetts). Basketball, due to the frequent forceful contact of players, was somewhat dangerous. And in 1895, William George invented another game for gyms. In the gym, he hung a tennis net at a height of about 2 meters and, dividing the students into two teams, offered them a new game – throwing a basketball over the net.

Initially, the author called the new game “mintonet,” suggesting that it was somehow related to badminton. But college professor Alfred T. Halsted proposed a more euphonious name, “volleyball,” derived from volley, “volley,” and ball, “ball.” This is the very thing in the name of the game that indicates its peculiarity: in it, the ball is not grabbed; it is always hit “on the fly.”

Initially, the game was conceived as a replacement for basketball, in order to eliminate clashes between players and reduce physical activity, so that the classes could be done not only by young, strong guys, but also by older people and very young people, for example, school students. For a long time, volleyball did not have a mass distribution like basketball.

Volleyball Ball

The debut of the initial special volleyball ball was in 1896 when AG Spalding & Bros. created one for volleyballs. It was a leather and rubber bladder, about 64 cm in diameter and weighing around 300 grams.


The volleyball ball of the modern day has kept that same form – leather panels stitched together, encasing an inflated rubber bladder. Ball diameter: 65-67 cm Ball weight: from 260 to 280 grams Pressure in the chamber is between.300 and.325 kgf/cm2

Worldwide Distribution

In the 1920s, volleyball became approximately what it is now: one team includes 6 players; the height of the net is 243 cm; victory is awarded when one of the teams scores 15 points, and the number of touches allowed within one attack is three. This was adopted in 1922.

In 1947, the International Volleyball Federation came into being: FIVB—Federation Internationale de Volleyball. As early as in 1948, on behalf of that federation already, the first European Championship was held in Rome.

In the period from the origination of the game to the present day, there were some slight different rules introduced into the game. Changes made in recent decades concern primarily the fact that the game has become more spectacular, for world championship games attract huge numbers of spectators in stadiums and many millions of fans on TV screens.

The first time Olympic medals in v-ball were played is in 1964 during the Tokyo Olympics. From that moment, 15 series of Olympic v-ball medals have been played out up to this day.

Types of Volleyball

The most common is classical volleyball, which is an Olympic sport. The game takes place in a hard-fenced area in the hall or in the open air. The players are divided into two teams, and the ball enters the game from the serve. Then, the players can only hit the ball with their hands; holding the ball is prohibited.


Before throwing the ball over the net to the opposite side of the field, you can make no more than three passes. There are also other varieties of this sport:

  • Beach volleyball takes place outdoors, usually on the beach. So, the surface of the site is not hard but sandy. The rules of the game are the same as in classic volleyball;
  • Mini-volleyball for children is played by athletes under the age of 14. There are 3-4 players. The number of players in both teams should be equal, with an equal number of boys and girls. A regular volleyball is used for the game. Played 3 games to 15 points, in case of equality of accounts – up to a preponderance of one of the parties in 2 points;
  • Giant volleyball. The ball has a circumference of 80 cm, there are up to 100 players in a team, the number of hits on one side is not limited.


Volleyball is a great sport. Tournaments are held in it, children play it in schools and provide an opportunity to lead a healthy lifestyle.


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